Special care must be taken and the proper equipment must be used when testing the MAXREFDES61# design. The key to testing any high-accuracy design is to use sources and measurement equipment that are of higher accuracy than the design under test. A low-distortion signal source is absolutely required to duplicate the presented results. The input signal was generated using the Audio Precision SYS-2722. The FFTs were created using the FFT control in SignalLab from Mitov Software. Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 show the FFT and histogram test results.
Figure 4. AC FFT, on channel V2, using on-board isolated power, a -12V to +12V 5kHz sine wave voltage input signal, 17kΩ input impedance, a 50ksps sample rate, at room temperature, and a Blackman-Harris window.
Figure 5. AC FFT, on channel 3 (AIN3), using on-board isolated power, a -2.5V to +2.5V 5kHz sine wave voltage input signal, 17kΩ input impedance, a 50ksps sample rate, at room temperature, and a Blackman-Harris window.
Figure 6. DC histogram, on channel I2, using on-board isolated power; a 0V input signal; a 50ksps sample rate; 65,536 samples; at room temperature; a code spread of 7 LSBs with 98.7% of the codes falling within the three center LSBs; and a standard deviation of 0.677.
Figure 7. DC histogram, on channel I2, using on-board isolated power; a 10mA input signal; a 50ksps sample rate; 65,536 samples; at room temperature; a code spread of 8 LSBs with 96.5% of the codes falling within the four center LSBs; and a standard deviation of 0.968.
The new generation of manufacturing production is called Industry 4.0 in Germany and Smart Manufacturing System elsewhere. See, Securing the future of German manufacturing industry, Recommendations for implementing the strategic initiative INDUSTRIE 4.0, Final report of the Industrie 4.0 Working Group, Industry 4.0 Working Group, Acatech National Academy of Science and Engineering, April 2013, www.acatech.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Baumstruktur_nach_Website/Acatech/root/de/Material_fuer_Sonderseiten/Industrie_4.0/Final_report__Industrie_4.0_accessible.pdf. Henceforth cited as Industrie 4.0. Although the Industrie 4.0 report is focused on Germany, the implications of the German research and findings are recognized for industry in other countries. See also Ferber, Stefan, “Industry 4.0 – Germany takes the first steps toward the next industrial revolution,” Bosch Software Group, Blogging the Internet of Things, October 16, 2013, http://blog.bosch-si.com/industry-4-0-germany-takes-first-steps-toward-the-next-industrial-revolution/.
There are many sources for Smart Manufacturing Leadership. An interesting summary report of issues and topics can be found at the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition Committee Working Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, U.S., Thursday, October 20, 2011, https://smart-process-manufacturing.ucla.edu/workshops/2011-workshop/presentations/SMLC%2010-20-11v3.pdf. Also see, Implementing 21st Century Smart Manufacturing, Workshop Summary Report, Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition, June 24, 2011, https://smart-process-manufacturing.ucla.edu/about/news/Smart%20Manufacturing%206_24_11.pdf. A simple web search on the topic will reveal considerably more references.
Audio Precision is a registered trademark of Audio Precision, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark and registered service mark of Microsoft Corporation.
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